Technological Advancements to boom the Backup and Disaster Recovery Software Market by 2025

The dawn of the internet has revolutionised the way data stored and consumed. The rise of the digital era has led to the acceptance of cloud computing over the traditional means of data storage. But, the raised concern with cloud computing is data privacy and security. Consider, if you lose your irreplaceable data. Won’t youContinue reading “Technological Advancements to boom the Backup and Disaster Recovery Software Market by 2025”

What Is DRaS (Disaster Recovery as Service)?

Introduction Imagine that after a disaster (natural, accidental or intentional), a company is involved in such a disaster that it needs to restore desktop running most of the tasks that were performed on the main site or another site as soon as possible. How is this possible? It is precisely this moment when a disasterContinue reading “What Is DRaS (Disaster Recovery as Service)?”

What Is DRaS (Disaster Recovery as Service)?

Introduction Imagine that after a disaster (natural, accidental or intentional), a company is involved in such a disaster that it needs to restore desktop running most of the tasks that were performed on the main site or another site as soon as possible. How is this possible? It is precisely this moment when a disasterContinue reading “What Is DRaS (Disaster Recovery as Service)?”

Planning For a DR Site?

Planning for a DR site? A waiting inquiry in the brains of most CIOs while arranging a DR site (auxiliary site) is the thing that ought to be the perfect separation between their essential and optional destinations. An inquiry that deserves due diligence and thought, undoubtedly. My response to this inquiry is that ‘It PlanningContinue reading “Planning For a DR Site?”

Top 5 Tips for Disaster Recovery Planning

In this modern era of “always-on” business, prolonged downtime is not acceptable. It is the need of the generation to keep small or large businesses running all the time. A steady rise in data security attacks and continuously changing IT landscape have revolutionised the disaster recovery market in recent years. According to stats, 86% ofContinue reading “Top 5 Tips for Disaster Recovery Planning”

What you need to know about security in the cloud

Introduction Cloud services have many benefits like scalable workloads, cost-effectiveness, collaboration efficiency, convenience, access to automatic updates and others. However, since the cloud’s very nature is of a collective resource, identity management, confidentiality and access control are of particular concern. All of these three factors point in a single major direction – Cloud Security. TwoContinue reading “What you need to know about security in the cloud”