Cyber Security Automation: 12 Key Functions Your Organization Needs to Automate Now

What do you believe in, managing security tasks manually or automating? Your answer would certainly be automation, as it reduces human efforts, right? With 300,000 new malware being produced daily and a hacker attack occurring every 39 seconds, organizations find it challenging to defend themselves completely. Cyber-attacks continue to climb, so cybersecurity and cybersecurity automation has becomeContinue reading “Cyber Security Automation: 12 Key Functions Your Organization Needs to Automate Now”

Hacks to Secure Your Data in Cloud

To the digital era, the cloud has proved to be a big blessing. It enables storing of a large amount of information- photos, videos, music, messages, etc. with a limited budget. With the dawn of internet, backing up data became much easier by storing it on the server rather than hard drive. Also, data canContinue reading “Hacks to Secure Your Data in Cloud”