How To Secure Your Data in Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Environment?

According to cloud computing statistics, 74% of enterprises use a hybrid and multi-cloud strategy today. 69% of organizations were planning to use a multi-cloud environment. 62% of public cloud adopters are using more than two cloud environments and platforms. Despite all of this, only a small percentage of businesses optimize their cloud spending, which prevents them from utilizing their cloud infrastructureContinue reading “How To Secure Your Data in Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Environment?”

How To Secure Your Data in Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Environment?

According to cloud computing statistics, 74% of enterprises use a hybrid and multi-cloud strategy today. 69% of organizations were planning to use a multi-cloud environment. 62% of public cloud adopters are using more than two cloud environments and platforms. Despite all of this, only a small percentage of businesses optimize their cloud spending, which preventsContinue reading “How To Secure Your Data in Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Environment?”

5 Ways Cloud Computing Is Getting Smarter With AI

In a recent report, Statista predicted that by 2025, “the global value of the AI market will surpass an estimation of $89 billion per annum 2025.” The study contends that a sizeable portion of this will occur due to the accelerated demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) that powers Cloud computing. Artificial intelligence (AI) and cloudContinue reading “5 Ways Cloud Computing Is Getting Smarter With AI”

Cybersecurity Mesh – How does it impact your business?

As digital transformation is rapidly accelerating, more businesses are adapting to this current trend. Now the hybrid work environment is also catching up, organizations are faced with new challenges as we are steering away from the traditional network infrastructure. While the hybrid work model comes with its own set of comfort, flexibility, and productivity itContinue reading “Cybersecurity Mesh – How does it impact your business?”

Hybrid-cloud & Multi-cloud – Differences & Similarities

According to sources, small and medium businesses benefit the most from cloud services, as they spend 36% less money on IT. Cloud-based solutions/services are used widely in all the business sectors. Manufacturing, BFSI, government, and various enterprises use cloud solutions for automating the manual work process and ease of work. Cloud solutions have helped variousContinue reading “Hybrid-cloud & Multi-cloud – Differences & Similarities”

Top 5 SaaS Trends to look out for in 2022

Since we are living in a digitalized world, the SaaS industry has progressed remarkably against the pandemic and its challenges. Today, SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions are a chunk of almost every commercial workflow. It’s a given because of these offerings’ accessibility, versatility, cost-effectiveness, and agility. With SaaS trends taking over the industry, a lot is setContinue reading “Top 5 SaaS Trends to look out for in 2022”

The Fusion of Future Technologies – AI and Cloud Computing

Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing are considered the two most advanced technologies in a single theme.  Today, AI is becoming an indispensable component across every industry vertical, ranging from industries like Hospitals to Tourism. It is also proven that AI can be formulated to mimic a human and his behavior exactly. As per an onlineContinue reading “The Fusion of Future Technologies – AI and Cloud Computing”

What is Cloud Computing? All You Need to Know

As we gear up for the year 2022, we are undeniably living in a Digital World. When we talk about a Digital World, we are talking about Cloud-based solutions dominating this era. The Cloud is nothing but a platform that hosts a plethora of computing resources over the internet. These services are easy-to-use and on-demandContinue reading “What is Cloud Computing? All You Need to Know”

Technological Advancements to boom the Backup and Disaster Recovery Software Market by 2025

The dawn of the internet has revolutionised the way data stored and consumed. The rise of the digital era has led to the acceptance of cloud computing over the traditional means of data storage. But, the raised concern with cloud computing is data privacy and security. Consider, if you lose your irreplaceable data. Won’t youContinue reading “Technological Advancements to boom the Backup and Disaster Recovery Software Market by 2025”

Cloud Foundry, Open Source Development Services

Vmware, which is into virtualization in the cloud has just released still in beta, the new platform as a service ( PaaS ), Cloud Foundry. The current leaders of the market in PaaS solutions are Microsoft Azure and Google App Engine. The novelty of Cloud Foundry is presented as open source and can support multipleContinue reading “Cloud Foundry, Open Source Development Services”