Cyber Security Automation: 12 Key Functions Your Organization Needs to Automate Now

What do you believe in, managing security tasks manually or automating? Your answer would certainly be automation, as it reduces human efforts, right? With 300,000 new malware being produced daily and a hacker attack occurring every 39 seconds, organizations find it challenging to defend themselves completely. Cyber-attacks continue to climb, so cybersecurity and cybersecurity automation has becomeContinue reading “Cyber Security Automation: 12 Key Functions Your Organization Needs to Automate Now”

Signs of Cyber Attack and How to Respond to them?

Online business is the new trend in this era’s market. Having a website is just like owning a shop and getting a platform to showcase your business and fetch customers, increasing your sales and generate significant revenue. But every business faces some challenges, which if dealt in the right manner can make your way smoothContinue reading “Signs of Cyber Attack and How to Respond to them?”

Monitor your Website Defacement Attacks with ESDS VTMScan Content Change Monitoring

The dawn of the digital era has given rise to technological innovations in transactions done on a daily basis marking the digital transformation journey of common people. However, these digital transactions have increased the probability of security breaches incurring a huge monetary loss. You never know your website might be the next target! The hackerContinue reading “Monitor your Website Defacement Attacks with ESDS VTMScan Content Change Monitoring”

Are you aware of all types of online scams prevalent nowadays?

The general rule of thumb when working on the Internet is If you feel suspicious about any email at all, do not open it, and for sure don’t open any link provided inside it. Online phishing scams have been around a while and as we turn more towards Digital Technology for almost everything. Right fromContinue reading “Are you aware of all types of online scams prevalent nowadays?”

Advantages of Free Online Virus Scanners

Now-a-days there are various kinds of online threats which can harm a user’s system by completely damaging it through spreading a certain type of virus. There are hackers online who are always ready to hack a vulnerable website no matter the size of the website. Many-a-times website owners think that they are completely safe fromContinue reading “Advantages of Free Online Virus Scanners”

Why Web Security is Important in the Education Industry

Today, no industry has been completely immune to any kind of cyberattacks. The sad part is that the cyber criminals have not even spared the education sector and have managed to infiltrate into their networks using malicious practices. In any educational institute, the number of students and management is growing every year, resulting in moreContinue reading “Why Web Security is Important in the Education Industry”

Dominant Cybersecurity Stats for 2019

Every year, cybersecurity has always been a concern for businesses. Let’s have a look at some stats and numbers that made the headlines. Use ESDS VTMScan to leverage enhanced security against top vulnerabilities.


As we are covering OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities,broken authentication is one of it. Broken Authentication itself suggests the breach in the authentication procedure of a web application. Session management is the rule which checks for the interactions amid a web application and end-users. A web session is actually a transactional chain of HTTP commands andContinue reading “WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BROKEN AUTHENTICATION AND SESSION BREACH?”

Cybersecurity in the BFSI Sector Has Stepped Up Get to know why?

What is Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity may be defined as the act of securing every computing hardware as well as software that are connected by the means of an Internet connection or even cloud, in recent times. The cloud is gaining more popularity in line with positive business outcomes, it has also become prone to malicious entitiesContinue reading “Cybersecurity in the BFSI Sector Has Stepped Up Get to know why?”

Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats to Dominate 2020

As we step into the new decade, we look forward to the rising trends in technologies and innovations that will make our lives much better. However, 2020 – The Digital Transformation era will also serve opportunities for hackers to sneak into your website security, damaging your online presence. Be aware – the hacker is onContinue reading “Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats to Dominate 2020”